

Our Mission

The US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) is committed to creating the most powerful strategic partnership between the U.S. and India. Promoting bilateral trade is an important part of our work, but our mission reaches far beyond this. It is about business and government coming together in new ways to create meaningful opportunities that have the power to change the lives of citizens. We are entering a new era based on a strategic partnership between the U.S. and India – one where we will work closely together with business and government leaders to achieve our goals of driving economic growth, job creation, innovation, inclusion, and entrepreneurship.

The six pillars of USISPF

  • Business Policy Advocacy

    USISPF helps its member companies engage with federal and state governments on sector-specific policy advocacy to provide ease of doing business and strengthen the economic and commercial partnership between the two countries.

  • Legislative Affairs

    USISPF facilitates engagement between its member companies and the legislative branches in both countries through frequent structured dialogues with U.S. Members of Congress and with Members of Parliament in India.

  • B-B-G Opportunities

    USISPF provides its member companies a platform to work together and to track opportunities at the state and federal level. USISPF also drives deeper collaboration by facilitating introductions between government and businesses, where appropriate.

  • Inclusive Development

    USISPF helps its members work collaboratively with NGO partners. It assists companies in identifying opportunities to aggregate their CSR investment with government, non-profit, and private sector partners, to bridge the gap between corporate initiatives and government priorities.

  • Tackle Regional Challenges

    USISPF between businesses, governments, and other stakeholders, to tackle regional challenges through deeper stakeholder engagement, theme-based research, and on-the-ground, practical knowledge sharing.

  • Education, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

    USISPF believes education, innovation, & entrepreneurship are engrained in the DNA of both countries. USISPF works with its members and partners to create an environment that promotes unrestricted student mobility, creates a robust IPR framework to support cutting-edge innovation, and offers entrepreneurs in the U.S. and India the ability to access both markets.

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