Called the US-India Alliance for Women’s Economic Empowerment, the initiative is a joint partnership of the US state department, USAID, the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum and George Washington University.
The United States on Friday launched a public-private initiative to help women entrepreneurs in India.
Called the US-India Alliance for Women’s Economic Empowerment, the initiative is a joint partnership of the US state department, US Agency for International Development (USAID), the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) and George Washington University.
USAID administrator Samantha Power launched it at the final day of the annual leadership summit of the USISPF.
She noted that the Covid-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted marginalised populations, according to a statement from the USISPF. She also highlighted the difficulties women have accessing financial services to increased pressures balancing unpaid care and domestic work while working, and increased underemployment and business closures.
USISPF CEO Mukesh Aghi said, “We look forward to working with our member companies to boost entrepreneurship and job opportunities that will enhance economic prosperity and inclusion in India.”
The alliance is expected to focus on three areas of action: accelerating women’s entrepreneurship, fostering leadership in the workforce and providing access to career enhancing education and skills building opportunities.
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