USISPF Roundtable with Ambassador Katherine Tai

USISPF Closed-Door Roundtable with Ambassador Katherine Tai

USISPF Closed-Door Roundtable

The U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) hosted a closed door roundtable discussion featuring Ambassador Katherine Tai, providing a platform for member companies specializing in collaborations with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Notable participants included public policy professionals from industry leaders such as Amazon, Meta, Coca-Cola, WinzO Games, JCI, Amway, T-Second, and Educational Testing Services (ETS), along with representatives from their affiliated SMEs.

These companies showcased programs tailored to cater to the unique needs of the SME community. Some participants presented initiatives directly supporting SMEs, while others emphasized their extensive networks and mentorship programs designed to empower SMEs within distinct industry ecosystems.

The roundtable, enriched by the presence of prominent women leaders and entrepreneurs such as Ms. Saumya Rathore (Co-Founder, WinzO Games), Ms. Hoofrish Krishnamurthy (Co- Founder, Gifts of Love), and Ms. Natasha Jog (Head of Public Policy, Instagram), underscored the evolving role of women in the Indian SME ecosystem. The discussion highlighted the significant contributions of women leaders in driving innovation, job creation, and fostering diversity, thereby shaping a more inclusive and dynamic business environment.

Throughout the dialogue with Ambassador Tai, the discussions delved into the evolving needs of SMEs, including startups, and the inherent challenges associated with entering new markets and participating in global trade. The collaborative discourse shed light on innovative approaches and programs implemented by member companies to support SMEs and startups.

The session also explored potential initiatives and policy changes related to U.S. government assistance to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India, spearheaded by Ambassador Katherine Tai. The focus was on fostering collaboration between MSMEs and addressing key challenges in the dynamic landscape of global trade.

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