Wednesday, July 24, 2024 | New Delhi

USISPF India MD Nivedita Mehra joined a panel discussion on ‘Bridging the Gap: Women powering Tech Policy’ in New Delhi, part of Microsoft‘s ‘Conversations Unscripted’ Asia edition, in partnership with The Quantum Hub & YLAC. The panel explored women’s experiences in public policy and identified areas for further research on the gendered impacts of tech policy.
The panel featured Preeti Banzal Adviser/Scientist ‘G’, Office of the PSA to GOI, Dr. Sarayu Natarajan, Co-founder, Aapti Institute and Arjun Venkatraman, Program Officer- Digital, Gates Foundation. Also part of the discussion was Mr. S Krishnan, Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & IT, who emphasized the necessity of applying a gender lens to developments in the digital economy and technology policy.